Posted on Mar 03, 2025 - 1:54pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
Greetings to you and hello from Jorlyn and I. We pray that this newsletter finds you in good health and blessed in the Lord Jesus!
We are continuing our new and improved newsletter format since last month. Have you enjoyed it? I did receive some feedback from a couple folks that they like the new format much better. I pray that you will enjoy this month’s if you did not open last month’s newsletter. Since we did receive positive feedback, we will continue monthly and pray especially the children’s stories who attend the feeding programs will inspire and encourage you to continue in your partnership with us, or if you aren’t yet, you will do so soon. So, like last month, let me please introduce to you a child from our Bohol Island GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program, Angel Liboton.
Angel’s teacher shared with me that Angel is 12 years-old and when he first began attending the feeding program, Angel was shy and when called upon during Bible lessons, Angel did not want to share answers regarding what he had learned. After a few months of his returning to the feeding programs weekly, Angel had a transformation through the Holy Spirit. Angel began to give proper answers to what he had learned and a real love for Scriptures and Jesus. Angel attends the feeding program with several of his brothers and Angel becomes frustrated with his brothers who don’t appear to be so enthused as Angel about learning more about the Bible and Jesus. Angel is always encouraging and challenging his brothers to become engaged and learn more. Finally, Angel’s teacher shared with me that Angel has a real self-confidence and zeal to share Jesus with others.
What a real blessing to hear! These kids are not only receiving good food, but going hard after God. Angel sounds like a you evangelist already and it is because of God’s love poured out to change Angel’s heart and definitely also because of your love and financial support that Angel is engaged with a personal relationship with Jesus, doing the work of a young evangelist at only 12 years-old! Praise the Lord!
Thank you soooooo very much if you donate monthly to make such a large impact for the kingdom of Heaven. Your financial donations are important and I will share with you that as of February 28th, we were $300 short for paying for our 9, month of March feeding programs. That is a lot of money being short. Jorlyn and I had to scramble and use the last of $185 from my Twitter/X, 2024 fundraising to send with what we had, but unfortunately was only enough for 7 of 9 poor children’s feeding programs. We were blessed however late on March 1st to receive a large donation from our ministry partner in Poland to help make up the difference, so the rest of March we will have met our financial goal for feeding all 9 feeding programs. Praise the Lord!
Jorlyn suggested that I send you a reminder that Global Family Outreach Ministry is much more than our beautiful poor children’s feeding programs. I am also a licensed Christian therapist and provide tele-health counseling for those who desire this help. You can find more about those services at
Please know that Jorlyn and I provide evangelism outreaches and are always engaged in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well handing our salvation tracts wherever we are, or go.
On occasion, I am providing teaching at the seminary I graduated from in 2021.
If you are interested in any of these areas of ministry and believe we can be of assistance to you, or your local church, please feel free to contact Jorlyn and I at my email address,
Thank you again if you blessed the children in February to help the poor kids. Please, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Jan 31, 2025 - 1:25pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
January 2024 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter
Hello and again Happy New Year to all family and friends of GFOM. We pray always that when you receive our newsletter it brings you great joy in and through Jesus Christ for what He is doing with our ministry and the wonderful support you provide.
We have a new and hopefully improved newsletter format! After a suggestion from one of our supporters, we prayerfully considered the change and we will now feature one of the 360 poor children from our feeding programs each and every month. We hope to provide to you information as to who they are, some of their background and how they have grown in and through Christ because of your love and help for them. So, let me introduce to you, Divine Love Zamora.
Her teacher shared with me that she has witnessed Divine’s journey of growth since she began attending the GFOM Feeding Program on Negros Island. At first, Divine like the other children, was shy and had difficulty articulating her thoughts, but as she studied God’s word every week with her Bible teacher at the feeding program she began to blossom gradually. Through the Bible studies, she learned how to forgive and about God’s love. The Bible stories along with the Bible verses gave Divine both hope and encouragement as well as a desire to live out her faith in practical ways. Divine’s teacher also shared with me how she has personally witnessed Divine’s increased empathy, kindness towards others reflecting the heart of Jesus Christ. Divine’s decision to accept Jesus in her life has brought a real and profound difference in her life, filling her with love, joy, peace and Biblical purpose. The teacher went on to share with me, “It has been a real honor to witness Divine Love’s growth and spiritual development, and I am excited to see how God will continue to shape and mold her into a vibrant disciple.”
I pray that Divine’s story is a real inspiration to you too, not only her teacher. We have 359 other children just like Divine. Of course, not all are at the same place as Divine, but many are. I have heard and witnessed real changes in these poor kids’ lives because of Jesus Christ touching their hearts and you with your prayers and donations to make that all happen! Praise the Lord for you for your faithfulness and love for these kids!
I cannot truly share with you how grateful I am as well to everyone who helps. Although we offer other areas of ministry through Global Family Outreach Ministry, operating these nine poor children’s feeding programs is the largest part of what we do along with the largest positive and heavenly impact. As we continue through 2025, I ask that more than ever, you help these children. The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:20,21 that we should store all our treasures in Heaven. Thank you once again to all of you doing just that! God greatly bless you!
Thank you again if you blessed the children in December to help the poor kids. Please, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Jan 01, 2025 - 12:23pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
December 2024 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter
Greetings in the Name of Jesus and Happy New Year!
Jorlyn, I and the board members of Global Family Outreach Ministry pray that 2025 will be a blessed year for you!
I want to give you some updates for December, 2024 as far as the ministry goes and our plans for 2025.
First let me share with you that all 9 of the GFOM Poor Children’s feeding programs were fully operational. We gave spaghetti as the special Christmas meal. A few of the churches that host our feeding programs gave gifts to the kids. We did not give gifts to send this year, nor funds available to send either, so the local churches gave the gifts, praise the Lord.
As you know we had one child in our GFOM Sponsor-A-Child program. She and her sister unfortunately lived alone. Their mother deceased, and her father in prison. An uncle has decided to take the sponsored child in his home rather than leaving her alone with her older sister. That does not mean we will end our Sponsor-A-Child program. This only means that for this child, the sponsorship has ended. We hope to have other sponsors come along at some point to also sponsor a child who attend our 9 poor children’s feeding programs.
After a time of prayer, we have decided that by faith and sometime during 2025, to open our tenth GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program. I don’t know when in 2025, but we are continuing to pray when and where, specifically. There may be another/different ministry opportunity for GFOM during 2025. Yesterday (12.31.2024), I received a very interesting phone call regarding engaging in a new ministry. Not sure yet if everything will materialize, but I will certainly inform you as soon as those responsible take a time of prayer, research and inquiry of others involved.
Lastly, I want to give a big thank you to everyone who not only gave donations to help these 360 poor children not only in December, but also, throughout 2024. You are a bigger blessing than you may imagine! You are literally in some cases, saving the lives of the most vulnerable, children. The help you are providing isn’t only the food, it’s the weekly blessings of Bible Scriptures and Bible stories as well. These kids are touching the lives of their immediate family members and extended family members as well as classmates in their schools. Glory to God for all you have invested for the Kingdom of God.
Thank you again if you blessed the children in December to help the poor kids. Please, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Dec 01, 2024 - 11:35am by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
November 2024 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter
Greetings in the Name of Jesus, dear friend and supporter of Global Family Outreach Ministry,
Jorlyn, I and the board members of Global Family Outreach Ministry pray that this monthly newsletter is a blessing to you and that the Lord is blessing you at this time with His presence and love!
As I look at our stats from who does, or does not open our monthly newsletters, I pray that among our regular readers, you also are one who is new to receiving and opening to read what we are accomplishing at our 9 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs.
As I am writing this newsletter to you, heavy rains have hit the area of our Aklan feeding program. There is flooding everywhere there. We have not heard from pastor Jeffrey who heads our feeding program there, but are praying he, his family and all the children are safe. Unfortunately, also like here in Florida where Jorlyn and I make our home, there seems to always be hurricanes and flooding. Please continue praying for all 360 poor children, their families, the pastors and teachers who volunteer to feed and teach the kids. We maintain 360 kids at all 9 feeding programs other than an emergency weather event. Even then, pastors and teachers are often very brave and tenacious in gathering these poor kids to see them safe, fed, and filled with the word of God.
Last month, I sent you a Bible verse from one of our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs which was used to help teach the children before they ate the food that if you financially donated, helped feed the kids. This month, I am sharing some photos again of the kids that perhaps you helped eat food, and receive God’s word in the form of a Bible lesson. Seeing the actual photo of kids that you support is important. At times, you may notice a new face. Sometimes children along with their families move to a different area of the Philippines. We hope and pray for all the kids that for whatever time they eat and receive those Bible lessons, they are as a seed planted in their heart to fully come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. That is our ultimate goal for each child and their relatives.
December is here and so is the celebration of Christmas on the 25th. Unfortunately, we fell $75 short for our monthly goal. As you may remember from last month’s ministry newsletter, we have no plans to send gifts, or raise funds for gifts because of past months of not making our financial goal, or barely able to do so for a number of months. We will be asking for extra donations throughout December to help us make up for the $75 shortfall of funding for the kids. We will take each month as it comes and Lord willing and at some point, we may be able to reach out to build more feeding programs so that more children and families may come to Christ. Please pray about helping through a donation.
Thank you again if you blessed the children in November to help the poor kids. Please, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Nov 03, 2024 - 1:26pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
“BIBLE SCRIPTURE : Luke 10:25-37 BIBLE STORY : The Good Samaritan BIBLE LESSON : This is when he told the Parable of the Good Samaritan, to explain that people should love everyone, including their enemies. It is easy to love friends and family, but it is much more difficult to love those who you may not get along with, or even those who may harm or hurt you.”
October 2024 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter
Hello dear friend and supporter of Global Family Outreach Ministry,
We have a few new supporters this month for the GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs, so I would like to welcome you and also inform you that I send these newsletters to inform you of our recent month’s activities. For everyone else, please bear with this reminder that the information contained in this newsletter may be a repeat of what you already know due to your following us on social media like Facebook, or Twitter, and other social media sites. As I have requested in previous newsletters, please don’t discard or ignore the newsletter, because everything I will be sharing with you throughout, is indeed, important.
Unfortunately, during the month of October, the Philippines was again hit with a major typhoon with major flooding at all nine of our feeding programs located in Aklan, Negros Island, Cebu Island and Bohol Island. Please continue praying for all the children we serve there and all the teachers and pastors who are your, and God’s arms and feet to minister to the 360 poor children and well as their family members. I want to personally thank you if you donated to help these kids especially for the trying times there. They sadly, continue suffering not only because of the typhoons, but several months of seeing their family members or friends’ contract diseases, then now multiple hurricanes. The pastors and teachers helping these kids use the Bible to strengthen and encourage all the kids.
Rather than sending you photo or photos as I usually do each month, I am sending you a photo of just one of the Bible lessons that was taught last month to the kids. Every week, we are sent receipts for the food that they purchased for that week’s feeding program, how many children attended and the Bible lesson taught. This information helps us keep the pastors and teachers, biblically accountable and I am a firm believer in Biblical-accountability. I want you as a supporter of these poor children to know from time to time, exactly what they are learning. Each church and teacher has a theme that they work with the children so each child is grounded in the word of God. You may be surprised to learn as I have mentioned in the past to you, that child may be the evangelist in their own home. They are often excited to go home and share the word of God with their siblings and family members. Can you imagine being perhaps a 6-year-old and sharing Jesus with your parents? That occurs very often because of your love for these kids.
It’s November, so I’d like to also mention Christmas is coming, we have no plans to send gifts, or raise funds for gifts because of past months of not making our financial goal, or barely able to do so. I however, do not want to dissuade you from making a donation for gifts for the children. 360 children are many, and it would require perhaps $1,000 or more to give each child 1 gift. We have been so busy and involved in fund raising, we have not made any plans for 2025 other than staying our present course involved in ministry. Most months we barely make it to financial goals for the feeding programs. We will take each month as it comes and Lord willing and at some point, we may be able to reach out to build more feeding programs so that more children and families may come to Christ. Please pray.
Thank you again if you blessed the children in September to help the poor kids. Please, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Sep 29, 2024 - 5:03pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
Greetings precious friend and supporter of Global Family Outreach Ministry,
If you are new to our monthly newsletters, I send these newletters to inform you of our recent month’s activities. For everyone else the information in this newsletter may be a repeat of what you already know due to your following us on social media like Facebook, or Twitter, and other social media sites. As I asked last month, PLEASE don’t discard or ignore the newsletter, because everything I will be sharing with you throughout, is indeed, important.
If you were unaware, the Philippines during September was hit with a major typhoon with major flooding at all nine of our feeding programs located in Aklan, Negros Island, Cebu Island and Bohol Island. When photos and videos started to trickle in from all areas to my social media feeds, my heart immediately began to sink. I quickly began to pray for all 360 children at our feeding programs along with their family members as well as the pastors and teachers and their families as well. I was so blessed to eventually receive reports that those same pastors and teachers went out in the floods and heavy rain to look for the children to ensure that they were safe! They risked their own lives to find those kids! Praise the Lord they were all found safe! Only one feeding program could not feed the children because of the severity of the floods. That was at our Bohol Island feeding program. The remaining weeks of the feeding programs were successful and the vast majority of children fed, both the word of God as well as physical food. Praise the Lord for that!
It appears it was also our turn to experience a typhoon here in Florida in September. Hurricane Helene came through and once again, I spent a great deal of time in prayer for us. Fortunately, the Hurricane did minimal damage here and praise the Lord, we also, survived.
Regarding finances for the month of September, another praise to Jesus as we met our financial goal so we can feed all the children without scrounging for pennies to see them fed. I want to personally thank you if you donated to help these kids. They have been suffering a lot, not only because of the typhoon, but several months of seeing their family members or friends contract Dengue Fever of Monkey Pox diseases.
Christmas is coming, we have no plans to send gifts, or raise funds for gifts because of past months of not making our financial goal, or barely able to do so. I however, do not want to dissuade you from making a donation for gifts for the children. 360 children are many, and it would require perhaps $1,000 or more to give each child 1 gift.
Thank you again if you blessed the children in September to help the poor kids. Please, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Sep 01, 2024 - 12:20pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
August 2024 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter
Hello friend and supporter of Global Family Outreach Ministry, this is our August update for you, informing you of our recent month’s activities. For some of you, the information in this newsletter is a repeat of what you already know due to your following us on social media like Facebook, or Twitter. If this is you, please don’t discard or ignore the newsletter, because I have some important updates for you.
First, as you may also be shaddowbanned/become invisible to other accounts like we are very often on social media, we have expanded our outreach to Pinterest, Instagram, GAB and Parler. We have done so not only to inform others of the wonderful and Biblical outreaches that we provide, but also expand where we ask for donations. As always and in the past, I have promised you, I do everything possible to raise financial support, and help those as we are able, especially to help spiritually and physically feed the hundreds of poor children each week at our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs.
This brings me to share with you that all throughout the month of August, our number eight-replacement feeding program in Cebu went smoothly and an average attendance of 3032 to children weekly. In fact, sadly, we had to turn some children away. Just not enough donations are coming in to allow for those children to attend. The newest, number 9 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program based on Bohol Island was set to have their evangelism outreach the last week of August, but unfortunately, we were forced also to push that event back one week.
As of the writing of the newsletter on September 1st, we fell exactly $150 short for our monthly fundraising to feed the children. During and in August, we were also short on donations and only had enough in donations for the operation of 5 of our feeding programs. If we do not receive the necessary $150, we will again not be able to afford to operate all 9 of our feeding programs. There will only (barely) be enough for 7 programs to operate. Jorlyn and I are now paying other expenses outside of just food for the kids. There are the usual fees including for ink, paper, office supplies, stamps, annual website maintenance bills, etc. so you are paying only for food for the kids.
Beyond financial difficulties that we have due to low donations to purchase the food for the poor children, many of the pastors or teachers located where our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs are, they are asking for your prayers please. There has been a sharp increase this year in children and adults being infected with Dengue Fever and also Monkey Pox. Your prayers and financial support are very much asked for.
As always, we want to once again share with you how very, very much we
appreciative you who have donated to help these poor and malnourished
children. We have no plans to stop and hopefully and through God’s grace and
your donations, recover what we need for last month, and every month forward.
We are grateful to the Lord for your continued love gifts throughout 2024. Thank
you so very much!
If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children
and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want
your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Aug 03, 2024 - 10:19am by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
July 2024 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter
Hello dear family and friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry,
Jorlyn and I earnestly pray that you are safe and blessed.
As we all view the world waning from Christ and increase in chaos, Jorlyn and I are so very thankful for you. As always during July, Jorlyn and I continue to look for ways to serve not only in our local community, but also world-wide. My counseling ministry remains available and Jorlyn and I share salvation tracts whenever possible as well. We have many Hispanics where we live so we have a plethora of English, Spanish and Tagalog language tracts available ?
As we prepare to open our 9th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding program, I can report to you that we are praising Jesus that 2 major hurricanes that hit the Northern section of the Philippines, did not disturb our 8 of our Poor Children’s Feeding Programs. We are very sad at the loss of homes and especially lives of those who were negatively impacted. Our prayers were, and are with and for them. At times like this, we wish we could actually be in the mission field full-time so we could be more of a help and blessing to everyone in need. Of course, we cannot help everyone, but if we had the financial means to be in the Philippines and in other nations to help others, we would gladly serve the Lord there.
If you partnered with us with your prayers and financial donations, praise the Lord, we were able to feed and teach the world of God to nearly 330 children during the month of July. Some of these kids as well as you can imagine, have a difficult life. Some only have one parent, or no parents at all. These children live with relatives and the funds and prayers you provide is an open door for the kids to learn about Jesus, have Him in their lives and eat great food as well. You are a huge blessing to these children. When you see photos of their faces smiling, those are real and heart-felt smiles because they are taking an hour or so and enjoying the peace and love of Christ.
Some of the volunteer teachers are informing us that this is indeed rainy season in the Philippines and some of the children have sniffles and have been ill. Please pray for them as you also pray about financially helping them. Rainy season in the Philippines also at times, if there is a lot of rain, prevents some of the kids from attending the feeding programs. We pray each child will not become ill when they do attend.
Unfortunately, we fell $132 short in our fundraising for the feeding programs during August, but Jorlyn and I are praying we will get back on track during the 5 feeding programs that we will be operating during August. We are sad we could not fund all seven feeding programs, but praying September we will get all 60 kids back on track.
I wish also to give you an update regarding the online meeting Jorlyn and I held with all the pastors and Bible teachers in the Philippines last month to discuss when we will have enough money to open the new and 9th Poor Children’s Feeding program, but also discuss how if possible, we can cut expenses if necessary. The meeting was a bit sad that we needed to discuss the possibility of delaying the opening of the 9th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding program in Bohol, but all the pastors and teachers in the Philippines understood. So, the plan is to
delay the opening of the Ninth program until September. The evangelism event will be held the last week of August. That’s the plan. We will pray that we will have the finances available to follow through.
As a quick reminder, our monthly budget to a total of $575. Also please remember, that cost is only for the feeding programs. That does not include the costs of three websites to be maintained, office supplies such as stamps, paper, envelopes, etc. In the month’s of June and July, we paid the $100 each month for the one year of website hosting. I know some folks don’t think about these added expenses, but unfortunately these are real bills and not unusual for Christian
If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the childrenand their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry
Posted on Jul 01, 2024 - 11:31am by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
June 2024 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter Hello dear family and friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry, Jorlyn and I pray that this day the Lord has been good to you and a real help and blessing to your needs and spiritual growth in Him. Jorlyn and I are so very blessed to report that all 8 of our Poor Children’s Feeding Programs went well other than one time where there were a number of heavy, and rainy days at our Mindanao feeding program, Fortunately, and only a few days from the usual day of the week, the feeding program was held. Praise The Lord! In addition, more great and blessed news, a dear friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry and of the children we serve and who lives in Europe, helped us make up for the financial shortfall in May. We thank the Lord for that person who really blessed the malnourished and poor kids so that we help all the kids located at our 8 Poor Children’s Feeding Programs during the month of June. Jorlyn and I are grateful to him, and of course, you too if you gave during May and in June. What a true blessing he and you are! Praise the Lord, the one person who sponsors monthly a child in our GFOM Feeding Programs in Negros, that poor child is doing well. She and her older sister recently gave their lives to Jesus Christ at a youth event at church, and even their father who is in jail, gave his life to Christ as well! I cannot say thatnk you enough for all and every dollar and prayer. It is amazing to see what the Lord is doing because of your, and everyone’s support! Praise the Lord. Although some of you gave financially during June, we ended June with a $143, shortfall. For some, I realize the world-wide economy has slowed down, but for many others, the economy is going well. I don’t believe it is my place to manipulate anyone to give to help these misfortunate children. But I will simply ask those many who have never given, of have not given in some time, to please help every month, even if only $5 per month. Some may consider only $5 not enough to help, but if we had only 50 people giving $5 per month, that would be $250 which would be a great start. If you would please help us make-up for the $143. shortfall now before June 5th, we would be grateful. Jorlyn and I will hold an online meeting with all the pastors and Bible teachers in the Philippines to not only discuss when we will have enough money to open the new and 9th Poor Children’s Feeding program, but also discuss how if possible, how we can cut expenses if necessary. We pray that will never be necessary, but we will have the discussion. As you may already be aware, Neither Jorlyn or I receive a salary. We are both volunteers, just like all the pastors and Bible teachers in the Philippines. We are blessed to serve the Lord and Jorlyn and I have been for many years stayed home, rather than enjoy restaurants, movies or other pleasures so we can focus all our efforts and resources on serving Jesus. We are not asking you of course to make such a large sacrifice, but simply ask that you please prayerfully consider making, or continuing financial support to help children and adults get saved through Biblical Jesus Christ, and eat well needed food. ? As a quick reminder, our monthly budget to a total of $575. Also please remember, that cost is only for the feeding programs. That does not include the costs of three websites to be maintained, office supplies such as stamps, paper, envelopes, etc. Finally, and always, we want to once again share with you how very, very appreciative we are of you, who have donated to help these poor and malnourished children. We are grateful to the Lord for your continued love gifts throughout 2024. Thank you so very much! If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR … God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you, Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry |
Posted on Jun 01, 2024 - 1:03pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
Hello dear family and friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry, First, Jorlyn and I pray that if you have decided to open and read our monthly newsletter, that the Lord has been sustaining and blessing you abundantly! As I shared in April’s newsletter, there were changes coming and those changes have come in a form of more changes than what we had originally expected. First, let me share with that we were $105 short for the month in the way of donations for the children at our 8 Poor Children’s Feeding Programs and their operation to feed the 330 poor kids. Also, after serious prayer time, Jorlyn and I have decided to open our 9th GFOM Poor Children’s Program in Cebu. We will give you more updates in the future, but for now, we are scheduled to open the new feeding program this coming, August of 2024. This means we will require another $75 to our monthly budget to a total of $575. Please remember, that cost is only for the feeding programs. That does not include the costs of three websites to be maintained, office supplies such as stamps, paper, envelopes, etc. This is also probably a good time to remind you that when you send your donations through PayPal, we do not receive every dollar that you send. PayPal also takes a small percentage, so we really do operate on a shoestring budget. Literally every penny counts! The next item of news that I am sharing with you was a bit of a shock to us when we were informed that the co-pastors in Mindanao where we’ve had our feeding program for several years, have decided that they are no longer willing to host our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding program, but beginning August 1st, will instead, host their own feeding program based on our model. I have witnessed this sort of “splitting” in churches and ministries previously. I do not agree with that sort of action, but they have made their decision. So, Jorlyn and I after a time of prayer, have decided to open a new GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding program in Bohol Island (in addition now, to the Cebu location) with a pastor who has oversite with pastor Janel, who hosts 6 of our GFOM Feeding programs in Negros. So, beginning in August, we will by faith, have 9 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs. Both the Cebu and Bohol feeding programs will need to first host evangelism events in the new areas to gather 25-30 children for each site before the new GFOM Feeding Programs open. We are asking $75 each new site for the evangelism events. They will provide open air evangelism, salvation tracts, snacks, etc. for each attendee. Regarding the existing GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs in Aklan and Negros, we have a report that they continue to operate as normal and the poor children also continue to grow in Jesus. All the children are poor, some more poor than others, so of course they have their own struggles with schooling, eating at their homes, etc. The numbers of kids attending at the Aklan feeding program are not as much as we would like and advising the pastor there to look for additional children. We insist each feeding program have a consistent 25-30 children in attendance each and every week. Honestly, there are days that I am completely broken before the Lord, because I continually communicate with all the pastors and Bible teachers who feed and teach the poor children. It is difficult for me to hear all the heart-breaking stories and then look at Joryn’s and our own economic situation and wonder how we ourselves, can contribute more to help. Somehow and with God’s help, God stretches us just a little bit more to nearly breaking us in half. You and I cannot help every child in need of help, but perhaps during your prayer time, you would please ask the Lord to help you by faith to stretch a little more and find others would also help these kids? Thank you if you will please put all these prayer and action requests before the Lord. That is what Joryn and I do. Everything by, and through faith in Jesus. Finally, and always, we want to once again share with you how very, very appreciative we are of you, who have donated to help these poor and malnourished children. We are grateful to the Lord for your continued love gifts throughout 2024. Thank you so very much! If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR … God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you, Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry |