
Global Family Outreach Ministry Newsletter August, 2015

Greetings Friends and Family of Global Family, Outreach Ministry

As usual and always, we sincerely hope and pray that this newsletter finds you very blessed in and trough the Lord Jesus Christ.

We want to start out our remaining portion of this newsletter with a praise report. It was and is by the grace of God that we have successfully packed and sent out to the Philippines, two large(balikbayan) boxes filled with donated used clothes and a few toys. If you read last month’s newsletter, you already were aware that we were planning to do so, and had requested financial donations to make that happen. Thankfully, one of you were kind enough to give a love gift to send one of the boxes. My wife sacrificially gave of our own personal monthly food budget to send the other box. Please pray that the boxes arrive and are a huge blessing to the poor children we serve through our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program.

August in the Philippines, including for the beautiful kids we serve, is in the middle of the school year. Families are all busy with everyday life. Although many families are doing other things, It is always our mission and goal to help as many children as possible along with their families, come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. I mention our efforst to see children that we serve come to Christ in nearly every monthly newsletter. This month however, as I look all around us with so many horrible things going on such as wars, beheadings, Christian persecutions, and more, I am really impressed even more so to carry out the only message of true hope that any of us have, that being a personal relationship in, and through Jesus Christ of the Bible.

As we have always been a small international ministry, we have never been small in what we have been able to accomplish by the grace of God. We have seen so many come to Christ and receive His blessings along the way. Some of you have been a Very Big help in seeing these same kids and families receive those blessings and I am sharing about. None of what Global Family Outreach Ministry has done, or takes part in, can be done without loving individuals such as yourself. So once again, for those of you who have actively given love gifts along with your prayers for us and those whom we serve, we say thank you and God bless you!

For all others who are reading along here, we also need your help. In all appearances, the Lord’s return may be sooner than what some may believe. Our work for the Lord is producing blessed fruit. Our children receive Jesus in a practical way, meeting their spiritual as well as their physical needs. Our work for the Lord is worth collaborating for and I am praying that there will be more supporter so we can reach out to more children and their families.

Will you also co-labor with us? I hope and pray you too will invest and sow into the Kingdom of God with us. Please send your best love gift today so that our work will continue. You can find how to sow into the Kingdom of God here… http://beaheronow.net/donate.html

God’s Blessings !

Pastor Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry