
Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter, November 2015

Greetings to you, our family member and friend of GFOM,

We trust that you are blessed and the Good Lord has given you favor in all you have done this past month.

Once again, I have the privilege to write to you and give an abbreviated monthly update on all our activities within our great ministry that you may very well be co-laboring with us.

First, for those of you in the United States, may I wish you a belated Happy Thanksgiving 🙂 For all others around the world who love us and support what we do in helping children and others, a greeting of the Lord’s salutations to each and everyone of you. We do hope that the Month of November was a fantastic one for you.

For those whom we serve in the Philippines with our Global Family Outreach Ministry Poor Children’s Feeding Program, November was a month filled with joy and blessing. No, there were no great surprises, but there were the many children who return to our Feeding Program each week to hear about Jesus and to receive Jesus into their hearts. Their numbers range between 25-35 children each week. A good mixture of boys and girls.

The Bible declares in Luke 15:10 “In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.” What can be said about what we teach our children who attend our Poor Children’s Feeding Program is this, the Bible is 100% without error and that without Jesus, there is no hope in this life, or when we die without Him. Children often leave happy after attending the GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program. A fully tummy and a full heart full of Jesus. You can’t beat that 🙂

At the Global Family Ministry Poor Children’s Feeding Program we firmly ground the children in the Word of God. We ground them in the teachings of Jesus and that by them each picking up their cross and following Him, they will stay on that narrow path that will in the end, find them blessed here on Earth and live in Heaven when they pass-away some day.

We have an awesome ministry. With this awesome ministry, also of course comes an awesome responsibility to ensure what we do, what we share with the children and their families are grounded firmly in the Word of God. Many times, very often, I wish I could bring those of you who financially support this ministry all the way to the Philippines so you could see and hear exactly what we do, and how God is taking the small amount of donations, funds, and using it to help and bless so very many. Sadly, I cannot do this but trust that our monthly reports and photos that I share, give you some wonderful insight into exactly the progress of what we are accomplishing for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thank you, thank you to those of you who are part of what we are doing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. may the Lord richly bless you!

One last item, 2015 is almost gone, our ministry is mandated to give receipts for all giving. If you are looking for a deduction on your 2015 taxes via giving a charitable gift, would you please consider giving to Global Family Outreach Ministry? We accept financial gifts as well as other items to help the children, such as motor vehicles,  houses, etc.. We will give you a receipt for the full worth of your giving for whatever it is you decide to bless the children we co-labor with you.

Thank you again! You can give your love gift at this link, http://beaheronow.net/donate.html

God Bless!

Pastor Paul Waldmiller, Director

Global Family Outreach Ministry