Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter, January, 2017

Greetings All Family and Friends of Global Family Outreach Ministry,

We earnestly pray for all of you who are our financial supporters. Our love and appreciation for you cannot be expressed enough. We pray for you on a daily basis because you are our blood line so to speak in having the ability to reach out and help so many children. We love and appreciate you!

January has been a rough month for many of the children. Many have been sick because of the cold weather. In the Philippines during Winter months, it is not unusual for many there to become sick from the change in weather from humid to cooler temperatures. To help the children, the children often take medications that help fight colds and influenza but in doing so, stay home and do not attend our GFOM Feeding Program. This is an issue, because the children are spiritually baby Christians and need all the spiritual support they can get. Many of their parent’s are either non-Christians or spiritually baby Christians in their walk with the Lord as well. We do not have the financial means to purchase medication for the children we serve. At the present time, we have only one financial supporter giving to this ministry to help with the children. As you can imagine, we are blessed to have one financial supporter to help these poor and malnourished children come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour as well as grow in the Lord, but we are equally greatly concerned as to how low our funds for this ministry to be effective has dwindled.

We want so very much to continue our work in the Philippines to help these poor and malnourished children and their families, but we cannot do so without more financial help. As perhaps you, I also tire of reading about me asking for financial support. The reality however is God’s work is done by God’s people through their giving and resources. I have my hands at the plow and am asking that you would help plant more seeds and help to grow the Lord’s Kingdom by giving a regular and monthly love gift at any amount you believe the Lord is asking you to give.

May the Lord bless all who help these poor and malnourished children. Please visit to give your financial and monthly gift.

Thank you and God bless you all,

Pastor Paul Waldmiller, Director-

Global Family Outreach Ministry