Posted on Mar 03, 2025 - 1:54pm by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
Greetings to you and hello from Jorlyn and I. We pray that this newsletter finds you in good health and blessed in the Lord Jesus!
We are continuing our new and improved newsletter format since last month. Have you enjoyed it? I did receive some feedback from a couple folks that they like the new format much better. I pray that you will enjoy this month’s if you did not open last month’s newsletter. Since we did receive positive feedback, we will continue monthly and pray especially the children’s stories who attend the feeding programs will inspire and encourage you to continue in your partnership with us, or if you aren’t yet, you will do so soon. So, like last month, let me please introduce to you a child from our Bohol Island GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program, Angel Liboton.
Angel’s teacher shared with me that Angel is 12 years-old and when he first began attending the feeding program, Angel was shy and when called upon during Bible lessons, Angel did not want to share answers regarding what he had learned. After a few months of his returning to the feeding programs weekly, Angel had a transformation through the Holy Spirit. Angel began to give proper answers to what he had learned and a real love for Scriptures and Jesus. Angel attends the feeding program with several of his brothers and Angel becomes frustrated with his brothers who don’t appear to be so enthused as Angel about learning more about the Bible and Jesus. Angel is always encouraging and challenging his brothers to become engaged and learn more. Finally, Angel’s teacher shared with me that Angel has a real self-confidence and zeal to share Jesus with others.
What a real blessing to hear! These kids are not only receiving good food, but going hard after God. Angel sounds like a you evangelist already and it is because of God’s love poured out to change Angel’s heart and definitely also because of your love and financial support that Angel is engaged with a personal relationship with Jesus, doing the work of a young evangelist at only 12 years-old! Praise the Lord!
Thank you soooooo very much if you donate monthly to make such a large impact for the kingdom of Heaven. Your financial donations are important and I will share with you that as of February 28th, we were $300 short for paying for our 9, month of March feeding programs. That is a lot of money being short. Jorlyn and I had to scramble and use the last of $185 from my Twitter/X, 2024 fundraising to send with what we had, but unfortunately was only enough for 7 of 9 poor children’s feeding programs. We were blessed however late on March 1st to receive a large donation from our ministry partner in Poland to help make up the difference, so the rest of March we will have met our financial goal for feeding all 9 feeding programs. Praise the Lord!
Jorlyn suggested that I send you a reminder that Global Family Outreach Ministry is much more than our beautiful poor children’s feeding programs. I am also a licensed Christian therapist and provide tele-health counseling for those who desire this help. You can find more about those services at
Please know that Jorlyn and I provide evangelism outreaches and are always engaged in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well handing our salvation tracts wherever we are, or go.
On occasion, I am providing teaching at the seminary I graduated from in 2021.
If you are interested in any of these areas of ministry and believe we can be of assistance to you, or your local church, please feel free to contact Jorlyn and I at my email address,
Thank you again if you blessed the children in February to help the poor kids. Please, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry