Greetings to our wonderful family and friends of Global Family Outreach Ministry,

We pray this letter finds you blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ!

We want to give you an update for where we accomplished during the month of July, 2022. Now that August has arrived, it is time we give everyone the news of what we have been up to.

First, we want to say how thankful to the Lord we are for those of you who donated to help the precious children that we serve at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs. So, thank you if you gave!

Pastor Janel had requested 4 new feeding program banners. One each for 4 areas. The old GFOM Feeding Program banners were ripped up from being folded and transported over the last few years. So, money for those banners to be made plus transportation cost came out of our budget.

As you may have also experienced, prices of food in the Philippines has risen, so it has cost us more to feed the children. We continue to pray that the Lord and His people will continue to provide monthly what is needed. We have just opened our 6th Feeding Program in Mindanao, so to say that shutting down any of our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs would be disastrous for the children and families that we serve, would be an understatement.

As I had shared with you in the past few newsletters, we wish to press forward and for us here at Global Family Outreach Ministry, we are always looking for ways to sacrifice more, and do more all for the glory of the Lord. So, I decided since I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

We remain steadfast in our faith that not only will the Lord and His people help us continue in our 6 Feeding programs, but by early next year, open our 7th in the Philippines. After that? Well…we recently were given a possibility of also opening a GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program in Haiti! God is so wonderful! Please pray that through your partnership in this ministry, we can see more children saved through Jesus Christ and physically fed in the process.

As always, and a definite priority for us, we thank those of you who remain faithful to the Lord, in helping the malnourished children we are serving along with their families. Please remember to make a donation of any amount to our Poor Children’s Feeding Program and our General Fund, that would be quite helpful. Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at this link…

God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry