Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly News Letter for August-2020

Greetings family and friends of GFOM,

I am writing this newsletter to inform you of a present and real possibility of once again needing to temporarily shut-down our 4 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs. Several barangay’s (towns) next to our feeding programs have just been shut down for 2 weeks due to a rise in a number of positive cases of Covid-19. Only by the grace of God are the areas where we serve, not yet impacted.

If you were not aware, the Republic of The Philippines has implemented some of the strictest rules pertaining to lock-downs, mandated face masks and shields, anywhere in the world but continues to see very high numbers of positive cases. If you have not been praying for the people of the Philippines, I ask that you would please do so now.

Many families in the Philippines are severely limited to access to food and quality health care. If we had the resources, we would hire a physician to check on the children and families we serve, especially ensuring the children we serve receive the medical care they need during the pandemic there. Perhaps that is something the Lord has placed on your heart. If so and you would like to help, please contact me at and I can discuss the options available to provide that help.

For now, and Thank the Lord, our 4 Poor Children’s Feeding Programs are all operational. The children who attend see death because of the virus all around them, but the feeding programs you and I provide, are a beacon of hope as we teach them how much Jesus cares about them, providing physical as well as spiritual nourishment. THANK YOU to all who are partnering with us to literally save lives.

Please remember to prayerfully make a donation of any amount to our Poor Children’s Feeding Program, that would be appreciated and quite honestly, very helpful. Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs.

Please make all donations at this link…

God bless all of you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and well in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry