

Dear family and friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry,

We hope and pray that the Lord has seen you blessed in every way since sending our last monthly newsletter.

We know that some of you have had some tough personal trials as of late, and we certainly are praying for you ! God has a way however of helping us even in our darkest hour doesn’t He ?

Speaking of personal trials, as we look upon the face and smiles of the children that we serve every week in Aklan Province, Philippines, I must tell you, I often see in the eyes of those same children, the eyes of you, our faithful ministry partners. What a joy it is to see wonderful and beautiful Jesus things that you have done for these poor kids. You have made a way for each one of them to meet Jesus personally.

How well can I express my dearest thanks to those of you that faithful help in the needs of these children ? It is impossible to say thank you enough times. There are not many of you helping these children so every penny that you do give, is something we are so grateful for and is well cherished and looked after.

That said, I would like you to meet one of the children this minsitry is looking after, his name isĀ  Nico. Nico is the youngest of two siblings. His father is a fisherman and his mother is a housewife. His family like many of the children that we serve at our Global Family Outreach Ministry, Poor Children’s Feeding Program are all very poor. Nico also has a heart disorder and asthma. Doctor visits and medication are of course available to children like Nico, but only if there parents can afford them. Unfortunately and sadly, Nico’s mom and dad cannot afford the necessary medication and doctor visits that are needed.

We do what we can for children like Nico. As I mentioned earlier in this month’s Newsletter, there are very few like you giving love gifts to keep the GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program operating so getting help for children like Nico and others that we serve is financially impossible at this time. We do however have a Global Family Outreach Ministry Program called “Sponsor A Child..” There, for just $30.00(usd) per month, children are able to get the extra help they need such as doctor visits and medicine.

We pray hard for the children that we help, beyond prayer and actually physically feeding them and giving them also the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there is little else that we can do for them. The reality is, financially, the rest must come from God and His generous people.

We ask that you would please prayerfully not only increase your financial giving to this worth while Christian Ministry so that more children may know Jesus in a personal way, but that you would also please consider sponsoring Nico or another child like him at our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program. Please pray about this request. We so desperately need to hear from you.

To give your best love offering today, please go to this website…. http://beaheronow.net/donate.html

Thank you again to those that already give faithfully. May the Lord richly bless and keep you !!

Pastor Paul Waldmiller-Director

Global Family Outreach Ministry