Greetings 🙂 and God bless you,

Jorlyn and I are praying that you are well. It’s been a difficult time for us as Jorlyn has been in the Philippines these past three weeks. Being physically separated for this length of time can be a bit frustrating, but it’s for the Lord. He knows, and thanks to Him, we communicate everyday while she is away 🙂 . She is currently packed and ready to fly back to the U.S tomorrow morning. Although far away, we also haven’t forgotten to pray for you as well!

Jorlyn’s flight will arrive this weekend and once she has rested a few days, we will go over documented information that she has gathered from visiting our GFOM Feeding Programs and the wonderful, God-filled evangelism event she also held there. We promise to continue praying about where and when to begin our 8th feeding program when we do go over that information. Looking at a new feeding program right now if only viewed in the natural, would seem impossible, but with God’s and your help, anything is possible for His glory. Jorlyn shared with me that perhaps she may have that new area already in her heart. If the Lord opens that door, like other new GFOM Feeding Programs that we have already opened, we will send used clothes and donated food items for a new evangelistic outreach, first. Presently, we have 6 or 7 balikbayan boxes available and filled with clothes and nonperishable food to send.

If you have been following us on social media, you have already viewed photos from Jorlyn’s ministry-work in the Philippines. I have placed a few of the photos on this month’s newsletter, but please know there are many more photos available on both Facebook and Twitter where we have GFOM pages.

For those of you who not only donate financially to help the children eat food, but gave to help send three boxes loaded with donated food and used clothes for the evangelism event, praise the Lord, initial numbers of those who came to Christ were over 20 persons! I wish I could have personally attended and accompanied Jorlyn on this important trip, but finances and other circumstances prevented me from travelling with her. Perhaps someday soon, the Lord will open that door. I too love to share Jesus with others. Jorlyn and I make a great team for the Lord 🙂

Finally, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray for you,

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry