Posted on Jun 30, 2023 - 11:57am by Pastor Paul in Uncategorized
June 2023 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter
Praise the Lord, time for another monthly update from us, to you.
Jorlyn and I send our warmest greeting and prayers for you and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ that He is helping you with every need. Below is our report for the month of June, 2023 in regards to Global Family Outreach Ministry and all that we do and what has been occurring. This of course, includes not only children fed through all your love gifts but progress in the future for what the Lord would have us to provide and take on for the future.
First, Jorlyn returned from the Philippines on June 2nd. While there, she was able to inspect all the 7 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on both Negros Island as well as on Mindanao. Jorlyn had taken a series of flights, buses and van rides to get from feeding program, to feeding program. All the reports and inspections went well and the children welcomed her visit as did all the volunteer Bible teachers for the kids. Jorlyn also was able to provide an evangelism event in a local church where 25 adults and children came to Christ. Afterwards, she distributed some canned and dried foods as well as used clothing for the poor that attended. This was all possible because of your prayers and financial support. Thank you so very much!
The local pastor of the church where the evangelism event was held, Pastor Jeffrey, described how the next barangay to the church is an extremely poor area. The name of this barangay(town) is called, “Fatma” and Pastor Jeffrey asked us to prayerfully consider starting our 8th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program there. When Jorlyn arrived home here in the U.S, we took a day and prayed about this and although we do not have any funds to somehow see an 8th feeding program start, we agreed to do so as we believe this is what the Lord would have us provide. Everything for us and what we do is entirely by faith. In fact, Jorlyn and I look at our own personal situation, economically, physically and more, and we see the Lord’s hand in our lives. It is only by His provision and the love of His people that we are able to no longer live out of a car as we did shortly after arriving here in Florida 11 years-ago. God is good and so are all the beautiful people that have, and continue to bless us so that we may bless others.
Also during the month of June, we gathered enough food and used clothing to send 5 large balikbayan boxes for Pastor Jeffrey to first hold an evangelism event. Praise the Lord, someone sent enough funds to send 3. We are praying and asking for the Lord to help us with our goal of needing $100 more to send the remaining 2 boxes. Perhaps you, or others you know would please prayerfully consider helping. Also, we almost made it for our June goal of minimally needing $400 every month to feed the children. We only need $18 more.
Please know, if you donated financially to help the children eat food, and also gave to help send three boxes loaded with donated food and used clothes for the evangelism event where those 25 adults and children came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, praise the Lord for you. You helped, and put feet to your prayers to see miracles happen! Heaven is rejoicing because of your blessings and the souls who now know Jesus through a personal relationship.
Finally, If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR
God bless you! We love you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry