Sponsoring Needy Children Around The World

March 2023 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

Greetings in Jesus Name! Jorlyn, I and our all our volunteers hope and pray that you are well.

Here is our monthly report for all our wonderful supporters of Global Family Outreach Ministry:

We were blessed to have several new supporters send love-gifts to help with our seven GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs during the month of March. If that was you, Thank you and welcome!

As I mentioned in last few month’s newsletters, you may have questions for us, and I always encourage you to ask us whatever may be on your mind and heart. Please also feel free to send Jorlyn and I your prayer requests,

Please be aware that because of the price of food exploding in the Philippines, we had to almost double the amount we send for our 7 feeding programs. This has caused an increased strain on our already previously need for financial donations.

For all of you interested in staying updated regarding Jorlyn’s mission trip to the Philippines this coming month of May where she will inspect the 7 GFOM Feeding programs and hold an evangelism event, The 3 balikbayan boxes sent with donated food has reached the Port of Singapore and hopefully reach manila in the next several weeks. I apologize for repeating some of the following information from last month’s newsletter, but not everyone opens their monthly updates from us, and we also have several new supporters ?…

“While specifically at the feeding programs, Jorlyn will speak with the children we serve, interview the pastors and make an overall evaluation as to the effectiveness of each program. This is all necessary as Jorlyn and I know we are accountable to both, you and the Lord for every dollar spent. We want to be wise with every dollar and wish to see those dollars maximized, and not wasted. Our Feeding Programs have not been inspected since 2019, so we are well past due. Also, while in the Philippines, Jorlyn will be holding an evangelism event at a local church. Earlier this month, we sent 3 balikbayan boxes filled with canned foods and used clothing to handout to those in need at that event.”

Last Month, I spent some time with my 85-year-old neighbor. He has no family locally and I try to keep an eye out for him making sure he is safe and healthy. During our conversation, he shared with me quite a bit about the news that he has heard from around the world, especially all the negative news here in the U.S. He asked me a question that I also ask quite frequently ask when I am on social media. The questions being, “Where is the Church.” With so many bad and awful things occurring, much like my neighbor, I often wonder why churches seem apathetic and are in hiding when the whole world is seemingly imploding. I want to assure you, Jorlyn and I are not apathetic or hiding what-so-ever. We are always doing everything and whatever, or however we can be a blessing to the poor children and their families in the Philippines, or are engaged in doing the same for everyone around the world, including yourself, or someone you may possibly know.

We have several prayer requests that line-up with some of that discussion I had with our neighbor. Would you please pray with us for the following:

  1. That God would provide for us a building to start a church.
  2. That the Lord would provide more financial givers to help feed the children.
  3. The Holy Spirit would touch the lives of men, women and children everywhere to come to Christ.

Finally, when sending your love gift, please indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry

February 2023 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

February 2023 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

God greatly bless you, and greetings!

As we always provide, here is our monthly report for all our wonderful supporters of Global Family Outreach Ministry:

Praise the Lord, because of your giving-hearts, we were able to meet our financial goal for the month. It is not every month we can report that, but for the month of February, we did meet that goal. Thank you to you if you gave from your heart.

We were blessed to have a new supporter contact us, asking to give a one-time sponsorship payment for three children that participate at any of our seven GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs. The photos that are included in this month’s newsletter are those three children. I want to extend a special thanks to that person who gave and also, let you know that there are plenty more sponsorship opportunities for any of the poor and malnourished children that we serve.  

As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, you may have questions for us, and I always encourage you to ask us whatever may be on your mind and heart. Please also feel free to send Jorlyn and I your prayer requests,

A quick reminder, Jorlyn will be the one to travel to the Philippines this coming month of May to inspect the 7 GFOM Feeding programs. She will speak with the children we serve, interview the pastors and make an overall evaluation as to the effectiveness of each program. This is all necessary as Jorlyn and I know we are accountable to both, you and the Lord for every dollar spent. We want to be wise with every dollar and wish to see those dollars maximized, and not wasted. Our Feeding Programs have not been inspected since 2019, so we are well past due. Also, while in the Philippines, Jorlyn will be holding an evangelism event at a local church. Earlier this month, we sent 3 balikbayan boxes filled with canned foods and used clothing to handout to those in need at that event.

Moving along, here is my monthly reminder that I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am  providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

Jorlyn has slowed down providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube  but is available most Wednesdays at approximately 7pm et and 8am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, on occasion, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well. Please subscribe and watch so YouTube will donate money to GFOM and the kids.  If you have already subscribed, thank you very much.  

We are always doing everything and whatever we can to be a blessing to the poor children and their families in the Philippines, we are also doing the same for everyone around the world, including yourself, or someone you may possibly know. We want also to be a blessing to you!

When sending your love gift, please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry

January 2023 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

January 2023 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

Greetings family and friends of the ministry,

What you are reading is our monthly report to you, our financial supporters.

First, a HUGE thanks to you for all we do in the Name of the Lord, Jesus!

Let me share now, that we have completed opening our 7th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program and praise the Lord, you and your love gifts now physically and spiritually feed approximately 300 children every week!

You may have questions for us, and I always encourage you to ask us whatever may be on your mind and heart. Please feel free to contact us with those questions at, We are remaining steadfast in wat we believe are the Lord’s plans to open an 8th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program sometime during 2023. We are currently communicating with a pastor in the Philippines regarding partnering with him, but no definite plans.

We also continue to pray regarding the invitations to open and operate GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs in Haiti and Nicaragua. There has been no funds, nor opportunities made available for us there, so, we continue in prayer.

As I mentioned in last moth’s newsletter, Jorlyn will be the one to travel to the Philippines this coming month of May to inspect the 7 GFOM Feeding programs. She will speak with the children we serve, interview the pastors and make an overall evaluation as to the effectiveness of each program. This is all necessary as Jorlyn and I know we are accountable to both, you and the Lord for every dollar spent. We want to be wise with every dollar and wish to see those dollars maximized, and not wasted. Our Feeding Programs have not been inspected since 2019, so we are well past due.

Also while in the Philippines, Jorlyn will be holding an evangelism event at a local church. Earlier this month, we sent 3 balikbayan boxes filled with canned foods and used clothing to handout to those in need at that event.

Moving along, here is my monthly reminder that I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am  providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

Also, another and continued monthly reminder, Jorlyn is providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube Nearly every Wednesday at approximately 7pm et and 8am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, on occasion, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well. Please subscribe and watch so YouTube will donate money to GFOM and the kids.  If you have already subscribed, thank you very much.  

We are always doing everything and whatever we can to be a blessing to the poor children and their families in the Philippines, we are also doing the same for everyone around the world, including yourself, or someone you may possibly know. We want also to be a blessing to you! Please let us know how we can pray for you, or be a blessing to you. You can always reach us by sending an email message to,

When sending your love gift, please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director, Global Family Outreach Ministry

December 2022 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

Greetings family and friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry and Happy New Year!

I am sending you our last monthly and ministry report for 2022.

During the month we fed approximately 275 children every week. Each child ate a nutritious meal which of course throughout the years, has been a blessing to both the children and their families. Each child as well, and more importantly, received Biblical training and equipping.

One important update that I wish to be very transparent about, is the action of the pastor overseeing our 5 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on Negros Island. My instructions to him were to hold an evangelistic event in January 2023 and the following week, open our new and 6th Poor Children’s Feeding Program on Negros Island. Unfortunately, he went ahead and decided to hold the evangelistic outreach the day after Christmas. I apologize for his decision. I had indicated to all of you that he would hold the event in January. The good news however is that 45 adults and 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. All the photos included this month’s newsletter are from the evangelistic event.

To that Pastor’s actions and as I shared with you in the previous month’s newsletter, I feel very strongly regarding the need of a strong commitment to the Lord on the part of every pastor, and need of trust for any pastor who wishes to partner with GFOM. As a reminder, here are some of my expectations for partnering pastors;

  1. It must be of God. Jorlyn and I must hear from the Holy Spirit that opening a program is from Him.
  2. We must have a minimal amount of financial support to open the program.
  3. There must be a pastor who is a committed Bible-believing Christian and has a “clean” record of no issues or problems.
  4. That pastor must have available teachers in his church that only hold to Biblical teaching.
  5. Jorlyn and I need an “open-book” relationship with that pastor before we open a program.
  6. There must be 100% accountability and honesty from that pastor and his staff in relation to operating in conjunction and any ministry opportunity with GFOM.

During the month of December, Jorlyn and I began praying regarding visiting the now, 7 Poor Children’s Feeding Programs sometime in 2023. Most directors of overseas ministries visit their ministry work and laborers at least one-time per year. February, 2023 will be four years since we have last visited any of the Feeding Programs. Jorlyn and I both believe we are well overdue in visiting, but because of the financial cost, neither one of us has had the opportunity to visit. I believe Jorlyn should visit only. The cost of two of us visiting would overwhelm our, and GFOM finances.

During 2023, our plan and goal is to open one more GFOM Feeding Program, brining the total to 8. Of course, we are dependent on the Lord and His people to help make that happen. This is what I know…when I watch or read the news headlines from around the world, it is very obvious to me that the Lord Jesus will return at anytime now. There is yet millions more who yet need to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. THAT, is the ministry work we are involved in and Lord willing, we can see many more come to Christ in 2023. Amen!

Where ever and whatever we do in the Lord through GFOM, Jorlyn and I pray for your continued, or beginning of partnering with us with your prayers, support and love-gifts to help us get the Gospel out around the world. Please and thank you.

As a monthly reminder, I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

Also, another and continued monthly reminder, Jorlyn is providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube Nearly every Wednesday at approximately 7pm et and 8am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, on occasion, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well. Please subscribe and watch so YouTube will donate money to GFOM and the kids.  If you have already subscribed, thank you very much.  

We are always doing everything and whatever we can to be a blessing to the poor children and their families in the Philippines, we are also doing the same for everyone around the world, including yourself, or someone you may possibly know. We want also to be a blessing to you! Please let us know how we can pray for you or be a blessing to you. You can always reach us by sending an email message to,

When sending your love gift, please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry

Merry Christmas from Global Family Outreach Ministry

Global Family Outreach Ministry

December 17, 2022

Jorlyn and I want to take the time to wish you a very, merry Christmas. Jesus was born 2000 years-ago as not only a beautiful baby, but as the Savior of the world.

During this Christmas, wherever you are, whatever your situation, please know that Jorlyn and I are praying for you every day. We appreciate and care about you! A special thank you to you if you gave a love-gift at any amount during 2022. Many of the children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs are blessed to not only have a full stomach, but more importantly, know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior because of your sacrificial giving.

In January of 2023, we plan to open our 7th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program, and we are thanking God that you will see even more children and their family members come to Christ because of your love. Thank you!

During 2023, Jorlyn and I promise and commit to pray for you that the Lord will bless and keep you, as well as your loved ones safe and healthy.

Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

God bless you!!!
Dr. Paul and Jorlyn Waldmiller

November 2022 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

Greetings family and friend off Global Family Outreach Ministry,

We are as always, blessed to share with you that all 6 of the GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs in the Philippines are fully operational. Plenty of weekly activities for the 250 or so, poor children that we serve, all by the grace of God and your love-gifts. Thank you!

As you may imagine, all the children are excited for Christmas. As the kids learn about the “reason for the season”, it’s a great opportunity for each child to deepen their faith in Jesus. In fact, Christmas is yet another opportunity for all of us to deepen our faith in Christ. ?

During the month of November, Jorlyn and I had two separate conversations with folks interested in expanding Global Family Outreach Ministry. One committed Christian inquired of Jorlyn regarding the possibility of opening and operating a GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program in El Salvador. On a separate occasion, a very nice couple inquired regarding opening a GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program in Haiti. This was the second couple whom we have recently met with inquiring regarding opening a program in Haiti. Will we be opening those new programs? The simple answer is, I don’t know. There is much that goes into opening a GFOM Feeding Program. Please allow me to expound. Here is a list of just some of the things that must occur for us to open any programs:

  1. It must be of God. Jorlyn and I must hear from the Holy Spirit that opening a program is from Him.
  2. We must have a minimal amount of financial support to open the program.
  3. There must be a pastor who is a committed Bible-believing Christian and has a “clean” record of no issues or problems.
  4. That pastor must have available teachers in his church that only hold to Biblical teaching.
  5. Jorlyn and I need an “open-book” relationship with that pastor before we open a program.
  6. There must be 100% accountability and honesty from that pastor and his staff in relation to operating in conjunction and any ministry opportunity with GFOM.

These six areas are the essentials for an establishment of any GFOM Feeding Program. As you can see, opening a program takes a lot of time and effort. It is not simply likened to just saying that we will open a feeding program. There have been many pastors who have personally reached out to me over the years asking for a GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program at their church, but I did not partner with those pastors because of one, or more of the above-mentioned reasons in which they did not fulfill.

This brings me to 2023 and our plans and goals for next year (Wow! 2023 is almost here!). Presently, we will be opening our 7th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program in January (Possibly February, depending on arrival of balikbayan boxes there). We are also praying to begin our 8th feeding program sometime during 2023 as well. Where that will be? I don’t know. Currently, we have 4 large balikbayan boxes filled with canned and dry goods and 3 boxes of used, donated clothes as well, ready to ship to the Philippines but no place yet to send them. By God’s grace, one very kind person donated enough money already to ship 2 of the boxes.

Where ever and whatever we do in the Lord through GFOM, Jorlyn and I pray for your continued, or beginning of partnering with us with your prayers, support and love-gifts to help us get the Gospel out around the world. Please and thank you ?

As a monthly reminder, I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

Also, another monthly reminder, Jorlyn is providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube Nearly every Wednesday at approximately 7pm et and 8am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, on occasion, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well. Please subscribe and watch so YouTube will donate money to GFOM and the kids.  If you have already subscribed, thank you very much.  

We are doing everything we can on our end to not only be a blessing to the poor children and their families in the Philippines, we are also doing the same for everyone around the world, including yourself, or someone you may possibly know.

When sending your love gift, please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry

October 2022 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

Greetings dear friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry,

Here at our Southwest Florida headquarters, Hurricane Ian did more damage to our roof than what we realized. We have been informed by a roofing contractor that all the remaining (many missing) roof shingles must be replaced. We will be utilizing our home insurance but that leaves us to pay for the $3,900. deductible payment. As like you, we are trusting the Lord to help us find the money to pay for our daily expenses and now, the repair along with other daily living expenses. We trust Jesus to be our provider! Amen.

We are pleased to report to you that all 6 of the GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs in the Philippines are fully operational. This is good news as just last week, the feeding programs were hit with some pretty hard rain due to a hurricane moving through, but by God’s grace, feeding programs went on anyway.

All the Bible lessons being taught at our feeding programs are a blessing to the children each and every week. We receive a weekly report with what the children are taught along with expenses paid for the food. Regarding what the children are learning, I can tell you that Pastor Janel not only teaches Bible lessons to adults in his church regarding reliance on the Lord for their needs, he has his teachers doing the same with the children at all 6 feeding programs. Here is just one example I’d like to share with you; “Luke 7:36-50 The woman with the Alabaster Box…Jesus wants us where we are and He will take care of the rest…” Timely message for every believer in Christ, not only the 250+ children at our feeding programs. Praise the Lord.

In last month’s newsletter, I shared regarding having a Christmas party for the 250+ plus children at our 6 feeding programs. Praise the Lord, one generous person gave $50. which is a beginning for what is needed. I guess now is as good of a time as any to as well mention that unfortunately, we did not reach our monthly goal for raising funds in October. We are still in need of $150. more.  Regarding a Christmas party for the poor children that we serve, it is difficult to put together a party for children when there will not be a feeding program for them to attend if we cannot raise the minimal amount needed each and every month. That is the reality of this situation. Again, and as mentioned in last month’s newsletter, “We wish to give the kids a special meal and a small gift for Christmas in the month of December. If you are interested in making an extra donation for that event, please be sure to make a notation when sending in your love gift. Thank you for any and all donations. Please help these poor kids know Jesus in a practical way if you are able.”

As a reminder, I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

Also, one last reminder in this month’s newsletter, Jorlyn is providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube Nearly every Wednesday at approximately 7pm et and 7am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well. Please subscribe and watch so YouTube will donate money to GFOM and the kids.  If you have already subscribed, thank you very much.  

We are doing all we can on our end to not only be a blessing to the poor children and their families in the Philippines, we are also doing the same for everyone around the world, including yourself, or someone you may know. The days are getting shorter before Christ returns for His people. Jorlyn and I wish to be as big of a blessing and help to others as we can.

When sending your love gift, please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry

September 2022 Global Family Outreach Ministry Monthly Newsletter

Welcome everyone! As a friendly reminder, the purpose of this, and every monthly newsletter, is to provide you with a report of what we have accomplished for the month, and what our plans are to accomplish in the near future. We also of course, pray this letter finds you blessed and safe in the Lord Jesus Christ!

You might say we say that September started out a bit slow, but certainly ended with a real bang here at our local headquarters here in South West Florida. We were directly hit by Hurricane Ian. By God’s grace we are safe, but the house that we stay in suffered damage as many homes in our area also suffered. We push on in the Lord though!

Praise the Lord, we were able to ship out all three balikbayan boxes to the Philippines and hope and pray for their safe arrival in January, 2023. Once there, the boxes which are filled with many nonperishable food items, will be distributed at a new location at an evangelistic event and later, open our 7th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program!

Is it too early to talk about a Christmas party for the 250-plus kids at our 6 feeding programs? Well, believe it or not, Filipinos start preparing for Christmas in August. We wish to give the kids a special meal and a small gift for Christmas in the month of December. If you are interested in making an extra donation for that event, please be sure to make a notation when sending in your love gift. Thank you for any and all donations. Please help these poor kids know Jesus in a practical way if you are able.

In last month’s newsletter, I wrote and also asked, “Is it too early to talk about plans for 2023? For us it is not. 3 months from now it will be a brand-new year and part of our goal is to have a storage area and office for GFOM. Jorlyn’s house is small so we need more room. We also have plans to open our 8th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program somewhere, but no definite plans. We have been asked by several persons here in our area to begin a GFOM Feeding Program in Negros Oriental. I politely have explained to them that it takes God’s people to act, and a lot of faith on our part to open any GFOM program. Hopefully beyond asking for a new feeding program, those folks who asked to have that feeding program in Negros Oriental will also have the faith to put aside a monthly love-gift to see the Lord bring it all to fruition ?” Everything still holds true in September and now going into October. We are expanding our help to others and would appreciate any and all help getting the ministry needs met. Thank you.

All the children at all 6 of our feeding programs have given their hearts and lives to Jesus. They continue to learn about living the Christian life every week at their Bible lessons before they eat. Many at our Negros Island feeding programs have also been baptized. So far, none of the children at our Mindanao feeding programs have yet been water baptized, but Sister Nancy has promised me that all children aged 12 and up in the program there will soon be water baptized.

As a reminder, I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

Jorlyn is as well providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube Nearly every Wednesday at approximately 7pm et and 7am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well. Praise the Lord, thanks in a large part to our dear friend of GFOM, “Terelou”, we have reached our minimum subscriber number, but are hopeful more will subscribe and watch so YouTube will donate money to GFOM and the kids.  If you haven’t subscribed, please do so.  

Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child ( OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry

GFOM Monthly Newsletter for August 2022

Praise the Lord if you are reading our monthly ministry newsletter! Welcome! This newsletter provides you with a monthly report of what we have accomplished for the month, and what our plans are to accomplish in the near future. We also of course, pray this letter finds you blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ!

I know that I am sending the report to you a few days early, but because we have accomplished all our ministry work for the month of August, and Labor Day is fast approaching here in the U.S, I thought it would be good timing to get the newsletter to you now ?

We have great news, praise the Lord, we had two separate individuals make special donations this month. One contribution to ship al three balikbayan boxes filled with donated food to send to the Philippines. These nonperishable food items will be used for an evangelistic outreach this coming January (2023) so we can begin our 7th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program. The other person made an extra donation to help with 2 months of feeding those same malnourished children. What a great start and thank you to those two special folks who gave! That 7th GFOM Feeding program will be under Pastor Janel’s jurisdiction and church. We will have a total of 6 feeding programs in different barangay’s (towns) that his church covers.

Is it too early to talk about plans for 2023? For us it is not. 3 months from now it will be a brand-new year and part of our goal is to have a storage area and office for GFOM. Jorlyn’s house is small so we need more room. We also have plans to open our 8th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program somewhere, but no definite plans. We have been asked by several persons here in our area to begin a GFOM Feeding Program in Negros Oriental. I politely have explained to them that it takes God’s people to act, and a lot of faith on our part to open any GFOM program. Hopefully beyond asking for a new feeding program, those folks who asked to have that feeding program in Negros Oriental will also have the faith to put aside a monthly love-gift to see the Lord bring it all to fruition ?

More great news, Sister Nancy has reported that all 20+ children who attend the GFOM Feeding Program in Mindanao have given their hearts and lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior! Praise the Lord! Sister Nancy, her daughters along with the church volunteers who cook for the poor kids, work very hard every week to engage these children in Christian Bible studies filled with fun, worship and practical Biblical applications. Thank you, Sister Nancy, and thank you to everyone who helps us with their love-gifts to see children and their families saved through Jesus Christ.

As a reminder, I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

Jorlyn is as well providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube Nearly every Wednesday at approximately 7pm et and 7am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well.  If you haven’t subscribed, please do because one we receive 1000 subscribers, YouTube will give us a little money every month to help feed the kidos’ ?

I know it is looking darker in our world right now. Many Christians also see how awful it is becoming, but the Lord Jesus told us in Luke 19:13 to “occupy until I come.” Jesus wasn’t just telling us to live in our homes, he was telling us to continue doing His work while we are waiting for His return. Some of you are sacrificing greatly to help these children and I know the Lord sees your heart, and so do we. Great is your reward in heaven! For others who have not donated in a long time, or ever, please prayerfully consider making monthly contributions to see the malnourished and poor children along with their families that we serve, all come to know Jesus and grow in their faith.

Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at this link…

God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry

GFOM Monthly Newsletter for July 2022

Greetings to our wonderful family and friends of Global Family Outreach Ministry,

We pray this letter finds you blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ!

We want to give you an update for where we accomplished during the month of July, 2022. Now that August has arrived, it is time we give everyone the news of what we have been up to.

First, we want to say how thankful to the Lord we are for those of you who donated to help the precious children that we serve at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs. So, thank you if you gave!

Pastor Janel had requested 4 new feeding program banners. One each for 4 areas. The old GFOM Feeding Program banners were ripped up from being folded and transported over the last few years. So, money for those banners to be made plus transportation cost came out of our budget.

As you may have also experienced, prices of food in the Philippines has risen, so it has cost us more to feed the children. We continue to pray that the Lord and His people will continue to provide monthly what is needed. We have just opened our 6th Feeding Program in Mindanao, so to say that shutting down any of our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs would be disastrous for the children and families that we serve, would be an understatement.

As I had shared with you in the past few newsletters, we wish to press forward and for us here at Global Family Outreach Ministry, we are always looking for ways to sacrifice more, and do more all for the glory of the Lord. So, I decided since I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (

We remain steadfast in our faith that not only will the Lord and His people help us continue in our 6 Feeding programs, but by early next year, open our 7th in the Philippines. After that? Well…we recently were given a possibility of also opening a GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program in Haiti! God is so wonderful! Please pray that through your partnership in this ministry, we can see more children saved through Jesus Christ and physically fed in the process.

As always, and a definite priority for us, we thank those of you who remain faithful to the Lord, in helping the malnourished children we are serving along with their families. Please remember to make a donation of any amount to our Poor Children’s Feeding Program and our General Fund, that would be quite helpful. Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at this link…

God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry