Welcome everyone! As a friendly reminder, the purpose of this, and every monthly newsletter, is to provide you with a report of what we have accomplished for the month, and what our plans are to accomplish in the near future. We also of course, pray this letter finds you blessed and safe in the Lord Jesus Christ!

You might say we say that September started out a bit slow, but certainly ended with a real bang here at our local headquarters here in South West Florida. We were directly hit by Hurricane Ian. By God’s grace we are safe, but the house that we stay in suffered damage as many homes in our area also suffered. We push on in the Lord though!

Praise the Lord, we were able to ship out all three balikbayan boxes to the Philippines and hope and pray for their safe arrival in January, 2023. Once there, the boxes which are filled with many nonperishable food items, will be distributed at a new location at an evangelistic event and later, open our 7th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program!

Is it too early to talk about a Christmas party for the 250-plus kids at our 6 feeding programs? Well, believe it or not, Filipinos start preparing for Christmas in August. We wish to give the kids a special meal and a small gift for Christmas in the month of December. If you are interested in making an extra donation for that event, please be sure to make a notation when sending in your love gift. Thank you for any and all donations. Please help these poor kids know Jesus in a practical way if you are able.

In last month’s newsletter, I wrote and also asked, “Is it too early to talk about plans for 2023? For us it is not. 3 months from now it will be a brand-new year and part of our goal is to have a storage area and office for GFOM. Jorlyn’s house is small so we need more room. We also have plans to open our 8th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program somewhere, but no definite plans. We have been asked by several persons here in our area to begin a GFOM Feeding Program in Negros Oriental. I politely have explained to them that it takes God’s people to act, and a lot of faith on our part to open any GFOM program. Hopefully beyond asking for a new feeding program, those folks who asked to have that feeding program in Negros Oriental will also have the faith to put aside a monthly love-gift to see the Lord bring it all to fruition ?” Everything still holds true in September and now going into October. We are expanding our help to others and would appreciate any and all help getting the ministry needs met. Thank you.

All the children at all 6 of our feeding programs have given their hearts and lives to Jesus. They continue to learn about living the Christian life every week at their Bible lessons before they eat. Many at our Negros Island feeding programs have also been baptized. So far, none of the children at our Mindanao feeding programs have yet been water baptized, but Sister Nancy has promised me that all children aged 12 and up in the program there will soon be water baptized.

As a reminder, I am a licensed Christian counselor, I am now providing telehealth counseling services. If you wish to aide in this ministry by sharing the website information, or use the counseling services, please use this link,  TeleHealth Counseling with Dr. Paul Waldmiller – Global Family Outreach Ministry (gfom.online)

Jorlyn is as well providing extra ministry to help any Tagalog language speakers on our YouTube channel, Global Family Outreach Ministry – YouTube Nearly every Wednesday at approximately 7pm et and 7am in the Philippines, she spends time praying for those who ask for prayer. Of course, we are still showing videos of children at our 6 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs on that channel as well. Praise the Lord, thanks in a large part to our dear friend of GFOM, “Terelou”, we have reached our minimum subscriber number, but are hopeful more will subscribe and watch so YouTube will donate money to GFOM and the kids.  If you haven’t subscribed, please do so.  

Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child (gfom.org) OR


God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry