Hello dear family and friend of Global Family Outreach Ministry,

First, Jorlyn and I pray that if you have decided to open and read our monthly newsletter, that the Lord has been sustaining and blessing you abundantly!

As I shared in April’s newsletter, there were changes coming and those changes have come in a form of more changes than what we had originally expected. First, let me share with that we were $105 short for the month in the way of donations for the children at our 8 Poor Children’s Feeding Programs and their operation to feed the 330 poor kids. Also, after serious prayer time, Jorlyn and I have decided to open our 9th GFOM Poor Children’s Program in Cebu. We will give you more updates in the future, but for now, we are scheduled to open the new feeding program this coming, August of 2024. This means we will require another $75 to our monthly budget to a total of $575. Please remember, that cost is only for the feeding programs. That does not include the costs of three websites to be maintained, office supplies such as stamps, paper, envelopes, etc.

This is also probably a good time to remind you that when you send your donations through PayPal, we do not receive every dollar that you send. PayPal also takes a small percentage, so we really do operate on a shoestring budget. Literally every penny counts!  

The next item of news that I am sharing with you was a bit of a shock to us when we were informed that the co-pastors in Mindanao where we’ve had our feeding program for several years, have decided that they are no longer willing to host our GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding program, but beginning August 1st, will instead, host their own feeding program based on our model. I have witnessed this sort of “splitting” in churches and ministries previously. I do not agree with that sort of action, but they have made their decision. So, Jorlyn and I after a time of prayer, have decided to open a new GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding program in Bohol Island (in addition now, to the Cebu location) with a pastor who has oversite with pastor Janel, who hosts 6 of our GFOM Feeding programs in Negros. So, beginning in August, we will by faith, have 9 GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Programs.   Both the Cebu and Bohol feeding programs will need to first host evangelism events in the new areas to gather 25-30 children for each site before the new GFOM Feeding Programs open. We are asking $75 each new site for the evangelism events. They will provide open air evangelism, salvation tracts, snacks, etc. for each attendee.

Regarding the existing GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding programs in Aklan and Negros, we have a report that they continue to operate as normal and the poor children also continue to grow in Jesus. All the children are poor, some more poor than others, so of course they have their own struggles with schooling, eating at their homes, etc. The numbers of kids attending at the Aklan feeding program are not as much as we would like and advising the pastor there to look for additional children. We insist each feeding program have a consistent 25-30 children in attendance each and every week.

Honestly, there are days that I am completely broken before the Lord, because I continually communicate with all the pastors and Bible teachers who feed and teach the poor children. It is difficult for me to hear all the heart-breaking stories and then look at Joryn’s and our own economic situation and wonder how we ourselves, can contribute more to help. Somehow and with God’s help, God stretches us just a little bit more to nearly breaking us in half. You and I cannot help every child in need of help, but perhaps during your prayer time, you would please ask the Lord to help you by faith to stretch a little more and find others would also help these kids? Thank you if you will please put all these prayer and action requests before the Lord. That is what Joryn and I do. Everything by, and through faith in Jesus.

Finally, and always, we want to once again share with you how very, very appreciative we are of you, who have donated to help these poor and malnourished children. We are grateful to the Lord for your continued love gifts throughout 2024. Thank you so very much!

If you have never, or haven’t in some time sent a love gift to bless the children and their families that we serve, please help and also indicate where you want your donation to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve. Thank you

Please make all donations at these two links, GLOBAL FAMILY OUTREACH MINISTRY, INC. — Evangelism, Healing, Feeding Centers, Sponsor A Child (gfom.org) OR

God bless you! We appreciate you and pray for you,
Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,
Global Family Outreach Ministry