We pray the Lord blessed you last month and will continue to do so. Amen!

In the month of May, we had plenty of challenges including of course feeding several hundred very hungry children each week. If you were able to see any of our weekly photos from all 5 of our Poor Children’s feeding Programs, many of the children eat HUGE portions of food. When they attend our programs, they are soooo hungry and many are malnourished. We allow the children in our programs to eat as much as they want. Of course, that is a financial burden on us with the rising costs of food, but by God’s grace, most months we squeak by and have just enough food to feed the kids. Believe me when I say, every penny that you donate, gets stretched so these kids will be physically as well as spiritually fed.

Speaking of photos from our feeding programs, have you seen the photos from our Facebook or Twitter social media pages? How about our new YouTube channel where you can see videos of the kids? If you haven’t already, please go to our YouTube channel, https://youtu.be/33yPYojPrD8 and see how adorable they are. Also, you can actually hear and see what the kids are learning. Its so awesome! We definitely praise the Lord for them and also for you, because without your love gifts, we could never see these children and families be saved as well as physically fed. Besides your financial donations, it would be very helpful if you would please subscribe at our YouTube channel. Once we reach 1000 subscribers, YouTube will donate a little money to GFOM once we have over 100 views for each video. Please and thank you.

Regarding an update for the 3 large balikbayan boxes that we send to the Philippines filled with giveaway food items at our proposed sixth GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program, as of today’s sending of the newsletter, the boxes will reach their destination in Mindanao hopefully by the end of this week. As I shared in last month’s newsletter, that is a bit later than what we hoped for, but it is not unusual for balikbayan boxes to arrive late there.   

Finally, and as always! we wish to thank those of you who always remain faithful to the Lord and to the malnourished children we are serving along with their families. Please remember to make a donation of any amount to our Poor Children’s Feeding Program and our General Fund, that would be quite helpful especially during the month of May we fell $100 short of our monthly goal. Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at this link… https://gfom.org/index-5a.html

God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry