Hello to our wonderful family of supporters for Global Family Outreach Ministry.

As always, we earnestly pray daily that the Lord is keeping you safe and well.

April is past, and May is here, so it’s time for our monthly ministry newsletter where we have a chance to update you what we have accomplished to see Jesus glorified, and if you financially support God’s work through GFOM, we share updates to let you know how your love gifts blessed and helped others. Praise the Lord!

During the month of April, we had fed several hundred children every Saturday. Bible lesson topics included Noah and his trials, Moses and his faith, Jesus’ work on the cross to take away our sins, and many more wonderful Bible lessons ? included. The number of children has remained the same each week. There are no new salvations to report, however a few children have decided to be water baptized. Praise the Lord!

We now have our own ministry YouTube Channel. Have you visited our site yet? We were informed that once we have 1000 subscribers, YouTube will begin giving our ministry a little money each month. Isn’t that wonderful news? We look forward to using those well needed funds to help begin our 7th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program. You can help by please visiting and subscribing. Help us so that we can bless more malnourished kids and their families come to Know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Here is the link, https://youtu.be/AABtl-l07M0

An update regarding the 3 large balikbayan boxes that we sent to the Philippines filled with giveaway food items at our proposed 6th GFOM Poor Children’s Feeding Program, as of April 25th, the boxes reached the port of Taiwan. They should soon arrive in Manila. Hopefully by the end of this month (May). That is a bit later than what we hoped for, but it is not unusual for boxes to arrive late there.

Finally, we want to thank those of you who always remain faithful to the Lord and to the malnourished children we are serving along with their families. Please remember to make a donation of any amount to our Poor Children’s Feeding Program and our General Fund, that would be quite helpful. Whenever sending your love gift, be sure to please indicate where you want your money to be placed. We have many programs to be a help and blessing to all whom we serve.

Please make all donations at this link… https://gfom.org/index-5a.html

God bless you! We love you and pray that you stay safe and blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. Dr. Paul Waldmiller-Director,

Global Family Outreach Ministry